1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University

Magnetic Particle Imager - MPI

MPI (Bruker Biospin, Ettlingen, Germany) enables direct detection of paramagnetic nanoparticles in an oscillating magnetic field. Magnetic particle detection is a quantitative (no attenuation of the signal) tomographic 3D functional imaging technique with a high scan rate (up to 46 images/s). In combination with MRI or CT, this enables high resolution sensitive monitoring of superparamagnetic nanoparticles (SPIO, super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles) that can visualize the bloodstream and to track cells or macromolecules, monitor their movements and distribution in an organism. MPI is 1.000 times faster than PET and 100 times more sensitive than MRI

Basic Technical Parameters:
FOV 100 x 100 mm  123
Magnetic field gradient: 2.5 T / m
Acquisition speed: 20 ms
Spatial resolution <0.6 mm
Sensitivity: 10-11 mol / l  

Rapid quantitative imaging of magnetic contrast

· Nontoxic angiography
· Cell tracking
· Research on drug carriers
· Nano-robotics
· Cardiovascular research
· Regenerative medicine

Brochure for download HERE

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